
灣區最有名的芝麻大餅在 “ 親征三條龍” , 它是由海沃教會的劉安靜姐妹創始, 再由她的嫡傳大弟子: 林桂姐妹成終! 做法請看……..

麵粉4.5 cup,
蛋2 個 (這次沒有用到)
牛奶2杯 (1杯約240cc) ,

橄榄油 1 tbsp
yeast 1 tbsp
sugar 2 tbsp ,
salt 1 tsp
mix and incubate in Oster Pot for 1hour10minutes.
**大師建議如果加蛋, 就要減牛奶, 牛奶可減至 1 3/4 杯**

Spread the dough to a flat round shape, add green onion and sesame oil, roll and twist the dough as you seen on the video.

Add 2 table spoon sugar into one cup of water. Set aside for the sesame seed sticky on the cake. Warm a pan with oil by medium low heat. Pan fry the cake on one side for ~ 8 minutes till golden brown. Blush the sugar water on top of the cake and spread sesame seeds on it.

Flip over the cake and fry on the other side for ~ 6 minutes with the lid. It is ok to see the oil sizzling on the edge of cake.

Ready to serve!

(林桂阿姨示範, 陳敏筆記, 沈倍德錄影)

Photo by Ponpon


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