Celine’s Kitchen
One box of “suddenly pasta salad” with seasoning inside the box
(We bought the pasta from Safeway, other grocery stores should have it too)
Follow the recipe on the box
1. Pour pasta into 3-quart saucepan 2/3 full of boiling water. Gently boil uncovered for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally.
將pasta 倒入滾水中, 不加蓋滾12分鐘
2. Stir together Seasoning, cold water and vegetable oil in medium bowl; set aside.
將調料、冷開水和蔬菜油混合, 置於中碗.
3. Drain pasta. Rinse with cold water, drain well. Stir pasta into seasoning mixture. Add chopped vegetables of your choice (tomato, red pepper, kale or cucumber). Add sausage or other cooked meat of your choice as desired.
撈起Pasta, 過冷水, 瀝乾, 拌入2, 加入切好的蔬菜(蕃茄, 紅椒, 黃瓜等)
喜歡的話, 可以加香腸或其他煮過的肉
4. Serve immediately, or refrigerate (good for hot summer time)
馬上可以吃! (夏天冰過再吃更美味)
by Celine Yang
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