9/30/14 姐妹會 廚房工作坊 – Fruit Tarts (水果撻 )
2 cup flour (sifted) 2杯面粉(過篩)
1 cup unsalted butter 1杯无盐牛油
3/4 cup icing sugar (sifted) 四分之三杯糖粉(過篩)
1 egg 鸡蛋1个
1 tsp salt 盐1茶匙
1 tbsp Vanilla 1汤匙香草
1. Mix butter and egg with mixer. 用搅拌机搅拌黄油和鸡蛋
2. Add in icing sugar, vanilla mix well. 添加糖粉,香草拌匀
3. Add in flour and salt mix slowly until well incorporate. 加入面粉和鹽,缓慢搅拌,直到拌匀
4. Wrap the mixture in film wrap, put in fridge. Till a little harden before shape in the mold.
5. After shape in the mold, put back into fridge for 15min before bake.
6. Bake 350 F for 15 min. 用350°F烤15分钟
French Pastry cream法国奶油:
4 egg yolks 4个蛋黄
1 1/2 cup milk 1杯半牛奶
4 tbsp salted butter 4汤匙咸牛油
1/2 cup sugar 半杯糖
1/4 cup cornstarch 1/4杯生粉
2 tsp vanilla 2茶匙香草
1.mix egg yolks, add in sugar and mix well. Add in 3 tbsp milk.
2. Put the rest of the milk in microwave for 1 min. Put aside.
把剩余的牛奶在微波炉1分钟, 放在一边
3. Add cornstarch into mixture. Stir well. 添加玉米淀粉到混合物, 搅拌均匀
4. Slowly pour in hot milk, keep whisking. 慢慢倒入热牛奶,继续搅打
5. Transfer the mixture into a pot, keep whisking in medium heat.
6. Turn the heat down when the mixture thicken up. Turn off the heat and lift the pot up when the mixture is thick enough. 当混合物变稠时, 把热温下降; 当混合物够稠后, 提起锅, 关火.
7. Add in vanilla, mix well. 添加香草,拌匀
8. Put 4 tbsp butter in a large bowl, pour the thick mixture into it and keep whisking till smooth.
9.Cover the mixture with film wrap (touch the surface with film wrap to prevent the skin from forming).
混合物用保鲜膜盖上, 直接触摸表面,以防止硬皮形成
10. Keep in the fridge. 保留在冰箱
1 can (6 oz) frozen limeade concentrate, thawed 1罐(6盎司)解凍的冷凍濃縮萊姆汁
1 tbsp cornstarch 1汤匙生粉
1 tbsp fresh lime juice 1汤匙新鲜的柠檬汁
1/4 cup sugar 四分之一杯糖
Mix all the ingredients, cook over medium heat till clear and thick ( about 2 min). Brush on top of tarts.
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